Sweco researches water sediment contamination with innovative fingerprinting method
OVAM aims to address polluters of water sediment contamination in an even more conclusive manner with a new fingerprinting method. As the winner of a public tender, Sweco is contributing to the development of this new method, which is expected to further improve the quality of water and soil in Flanders.
Investigating sediments for contamination presents very specific challenges. Unlike with land soils, contamination in sediments cannot be addressed on a case-by-case, source-by-source basis. Usually, sediment contamination consists of a combination of identifiable sources and a diffuse, non-attributable part. This complexity has implications in a legal context where the principle “the polluter pays” applies. Therefore, it is crucial to determine conclusively and substantively which part of the pollution is attributable to which source and what part is diffuse.
A pilot project for OVAM
With this tender, OVAM is launching a pilot project to develop a conclusive fingerprinting method. This method is intended to be widely used in the future to investigate sediment contamination. In fingerprinting, a team of experts examines the composition of the contamination and simultaneously investigates the unique fingerprint of nearby companies based on permits, products, and chemical substances. An in-depth data analysis using various statistical tools evaluates which companies can be linked to the contamination and determines a distribution key with the share of each company.
Sweco is investigating five cases for OVAM, with the ambition to develop a general fingerprinting method. Our experts are responsible for the measurement strategy and various analyses – including target analyses, suspect screening, and non-target screening. They also take on the analysis strategy to ensure conclusions in the final report are supported by solid scientific data. All this is done in collaboration with a steering group, with representatives from OVAM and project partners, such as the research laboratory.
The collaboration between Sweco and OVAM in this groundbreaking project underscores our joint commitment to a sustainable and livable environment. The development of this innovative fingerprinting method is a crucial step forward in protecting our waterbodies and an example of how scientific advancement can contribute to more effective environmental management.