Mobility planning

For Sweco, mobility is about increasing accessibility while at the same time decreasing car-dependency. We achieve this by coordinating the expansion of the transport offer with a carefully thought-out spatial policy that emphasizes center reinforcement and spatial developments around nodal points in the network.

When planning networks, our priority lies on improving traffic safety, especially for pedestrians and cyclists. From this perspective, Sweco accompanies its clients towards a more sustainable mobility.

All too often, precious space is still being taken up by stationary cars. It is therefore crucial to accompany drivers in the shift from car ownership to combined use, so that there is more room for lively and attractive streets and squares. Transport planning on a regional scale offers us the possibility to implement innovative models for connecting public transport and cycling networks, multimodal transfer or nodal points and coordination between the mobility and spatial policies. Within these frameworks we guide behavioral change of users and encourage reduction in travel demand.

Sweco develops both local and regional mobility plans, as well as parking policy plans and circulation plans. Sweco conducts mobility impact studies within the framework of projects and plans.

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