Groundwater studies
Groundwater is a scarce resource in Belgium. Sweco carries out study work for projects with an impact on the quantity and quality of groundwater, such as groundwater extraction, remediation of contaminated soil, reclamation and wetland restoration.
We can also draw up the necessary permit applications and environmental impact studies (e.g. EIA project (environmental impact assessment), EIA exemption, geohydrological study, environmental permit application, etc.).
Our geohydrological experts calculate the groundwater flow with the help of specialised modelling software. This allows us to assess the possible effects of underground works and to provide advice on possible measures to limit the impact. The constant endeavour of Sweco is to offer sustainable solutions that contribute to a future-oriented groundwater management.
Sweco has several OVAM (Public Waste Agency of Flanders) accredited experts who draw up groundwater models in connection with soil contamination and remediation, process them, and analyse the results. Various Sweco experts also engage in multidisciplinary work with a view to studying all the environmental effects as an integral whole.