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Brussels’ Ambitious Plan for a Climate-Resilient Future

In Europe, 75% of the population lives in cities. Cities undeniably offer many benefits, but the characteristic urbanization also leads to increasing problems, from heat islands to waterlogging. Cities are therefore placing more emphasis on de-paving and greening, in order to improve livability and quality of life. Brussels also has ambitious plans for a climate-resilient future. In this extensive operation, Sweco provides its expertise in urban renewal from macro to micro level. 

drawing of a cross section of a city district with greening and demineralisation with the advantages of these interventions

Although the Brussels-Capital Region is one of the greenest cities in Europe, with 4,000 hectares of green space, the capital still faces sustainability challenges. These include issues such as biodiversity and soil quality, integrated water management, sustainable mobility, and reducing pollution, noise, and heat islands. With a well-defined vision plan, Brussels Mobility aims to promote the quality of life and health of every resident in an accessible and safe environment. 

Brussels intends to partially return to the green boulevards and avenues of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Much of this greenery had to make way for cars and trams. The major infrastructure works and urbanization of the 1950s completely transformed large parts of the capital. 

Did you know?


airco units
annuallyconstantly running cooling powerof rainwater absorbedof polluting particles filtered from the air

Source: National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) 

A step-by-step plan towards a livable city

In a comprehensive macro-level analysis, Sweco’s experts have mapped various parameters: geological aspects, risk zones, existing initiatives, and ongoing projects, such as the green and blue networks of Leefmilieu Brussel (Brussels Environment) and existing open spaces in and around Brussels.

Based on this analysis, Brussels Mobility has formulated six ambitions to actively restore urban ecosystems along the regional roads of the region. The multimodal analysis and ambitions pave the way for a continuous green network in the Brussels-Capital Region.

  1. Demineralising the Brussels-Capital Region to 70% (currently 60%), or an additional 1,673 hectares.
  2. Increasing soil permeability.
  3. Raising the tree canopy cover to 40% (currently 30.7%), or 6,515 hectares. This means nearly doubling the number of trees along regional roads to 30%, or 66,000 trees.
  1. Optimizing water management in the design of slopes, drainage channels, and buffers, taking into account extreme rainfall peaks during storms.
  2. Promoting biodiversity through vegetation and soil improvement, which provide shelter, safe passages, and food for fauna.
  3. Improving quality of life by providing every resident with green spaces or relaxation areas within a maximum 5-minute walking distance, tailored to population density.

A Toolbox Full of Actions for Optimal Flexibility

These ambitions are being translated into a multi-year investment plan with achievable actions. In the strategic plan, Sweco provides Brussels Mobility with a toolbox of a total of 20 possible actions, ranging from greening roundabouts or facades to opening up waterways, creating pocket parks, and redesigning roads.

These actions can be applied individually or in combination for projects of any scale, from large to micro. Large-scale projects require a structural renewal of roads, from facade to facade, and require urban planning permits. Examples include Parklaan (Sint-Gillis/Vorst), Lambermontlaan (Schaarbeek), and Ninoofse Steenweg (Anderlecht). Small-scale projects involve precise interventions in specific areas of a road, such as the Troozplein by the canal. Lastly, there are micro-projects that focus on maintenance and renewal through small interventions. 

Read more about these projects at Brussel Mobiliteit (mobilite-mobiliteit.brussels) 

Sweco is involved in the study and implementation of various of these projects. Our experts also contributed to the participatory process “Brussel plant” (Brussels plants), in which Brussels residents were invited to propose their own projects. Sweco promoted the call for projects and analyzed the 400 submissions for feasibility. A jury ultimately selected 26 projects for implementation. 

For Brussels Mobility, Sweco is a reliable partner in the greening of the capital. Its multidisciplinary team is known for seeking sustainable solutions and integrating biodiversity into urban design projects. The availability, expertise, and professionalism of Sweco greatly contribute to the success of our projects, where functionality and aesthetics go hand in hand. By thoroughly analyzing the environment beforehand, green spaces can be created that are resilient to climate change and attractive to flora and fauna. Thanks to its holistic approach and genuine commitment to sustainability, Sweco is a key player in making Brussels greener and more attractive. We hope to continue our collaboration in the future.

A Methodical Approach for a Feasible Plan 

For each ambition, Sweco’s experts have determined five categories based on objective, measurable criteria, such as the percentage of de-paving, walking distance to a green public space in seconds, or the average temperature of heat islands. The higher the category, the greater the urgency and priority. Based on these criteria, the current situation of the regional roads was evaluated, quickly identifying which roads need to be prioritized for intervention. 

This objective and methodical approach allows for a highly flexible strategy that can easily be adjusted based on new insights and information. Additionally, by using a formula to estimate the cost per square meter, the budget can also be relatively easily estimated. The clear and quantified methodology, together with the toolbox, makes the plan concrete and feasible.

With this strategic multi-year plan and ecological management plan, Sweco, in collaboration with Brussels Mobility, continues to work towards a greener region, with improved quality of life for every resident.